BC Mining Properties is a privately owned mineral property and exploration company focused in British Columbia, Canada

We are committed to advancing several mining projects including our flagship MAC (Mo-Cu + Ni) Property in North-Central BC located contiguous to the west of FPX Nickel’s Baptiste Nickel Deposit.

Key properties include the May & Jennie Gold Project located on two mineral leases near the City of Nelson, BC, the Bonaparte Gold Property, located 50 km North of Kamloops and the North Mitchell Property located in the heart of the Golden Triangle.

All properties are available for Option and are accessible via air transportation from the cities of Prince George, Trail, Kamloops and Terrace.



Size: 2380.73 acres (963.45ha)


The North Mitchell Property contains the rocks and geology necessary to host porphyry copper-gold and epithermal gold mineralization. The property is in north-central British Columbia within the Stikine Terrane, the locale for several WORLD-CLASS deposits, underlain by similar lithologic units hosting these deposits.

*200 Million Ounces… and counting

  1. KSM’s 34M oz Au +/- Iron Cap Deposit situated 2 km west.

  2. KSM’s 25.9M Au +/- oz Snowfield Deposit is located less than 2.9 km southwest.

  3. KSM’s 88.3M oz Au +/- KSM (Kerr, Sulphurets, Mitchell) Deposits combined are situated 8.8 km, 5.48 km & 3.6 km respectively, from North Mitchell.

  4. Newmont’s 14.5M Au oz +/- Brucejack Deposit, considered the highest-grade gold mine in the world, is located 6.4 km south.

  5. Tudor Gold’s 27.87M Au oz +/- Treaty Creek Deposit is situated 5 km north with a recent (2023) discovery of ore-grade mineralization extending within 2.6 km of North Mitchell and remains open to the South and SW.

*Does NOT include the HUNDREDS of Millions of ounces of Silver and BILLIONS of pounds of Copper within these deposits.

North Mitchell claim area shown to the right of KSM’s Iron Cap deposit depicts an area of QSP (quartz-sericite-pyrite) outlined in yellow



SIZE: 18,519 Acres (7494.37 ha)

- 248 kt Molybdenum, Copper Porphyry Resource -

- Awaruite Nickel Prospect -

TWO deposit types are found on the MAC Property

The MAC Property lies contiguous to the west of FPX Nickel’s Decar/Baptiste Property. The Baptiste Nickel Deposit is ranked as one of the largest Nickel Resources in the WORLD today and is RAPIDLY gaining support to become one of the next MAJOR mines in Canada.

The 1st deposit type is Molybdenum-Copper (Mo-Cu) porphyry mineralization in monzonite stock with quartz stockwork veins.

In May 2012, an NI 43-101 Resource Estimate was completed for the MAC Property’s Camp Zone. The 2012 (“historic”) (NI) 43-101 compliant Resource Estimate for the Mac Property highlighted the following resource:

Indicated Resource: 70,360,000 tonnes grading 0.063% Mo and 0.1% Cu, containing 97.739 million lbs. of Mo and 155.139 million lbs. of Cu

Inferred Resource: 177.934 million tonnes grading 0.042% Mo and 0.05% Cu, containing 164,778 million lbs of Mo and 196.169 million lbs of Cu, calculated using a 0.035% molybdenum cut-off grade.


  • Complete delineation drilling at the Camp Zone, including drilling across the quartz monzonite stock between the East and Northwest contact zones. This will also bring much of the 177.934 million tonne Inferred Resource into the Indicated category.

  • Expanding drilling coverage at the Camp Zone to step-out and off-set drilling of unconstrained intercepts, particularly to the South and to depth on both the East and Northwest contact zones.

The 2nd deposit type is Nickel-Iron (Ni-Fe) alloy (awaruite) hosted in the SAME serpentinized ultramafic rocks located immediately west of FPX Nickel’s Baptiste/ Decar Nickel deposit.

In 2012, highly anomalous levels of ultramafic rocks hosting nickel and chrome were discovered on the MAC Property. In 2021, nickel-bearing zones spanning across the property along a northwest-trending magnetic feature in ultramafic rocks covering an area of approximately 5800 ha (14,332 acres) and a strike length of over 16 km. Rock samples returned values up to 0.37% Nickel, 0.32% Chromium, and 150 ppm Cobalt with 138 of the 177 samples returning over 0.1% Nickel and 123 of the 177 samples returning over 0.1% Chromium.

In August (2023), of 57 rock samples collected on the MAC Nickel claims, nineteen (19) returned assays above 2000 ppm (0.2% Ni), with a high of 2600 ppm (0.26%). Another sample recorded 26.3% Magnesium, while 18 others recorded levels greater than >23% Mg. All samples exceeding a 2000 ppm (0.2%) Ni threshold also displayed anomalous levels of Cobalt to 140 ppm (0.014%), and Chrome to 2211 ppm (0.221%), which reinforces the potential for multi-element mineral deposits.

The 2nd deposit type is Nickel-Iron (Ni-Fe) alloy (awaruite) hosted in the SAME serpentinized ultramafic rocks as FPX Nickel’s Baptiste/ Decar Nickel deposit.

In 2012, highly anomalous levels of ultramafic rocks hosting nickel and chrome were discovered on the MAC Property.

In 2021, nickel-bearing zones spanning across the property along a northwest-trending magnetic feature in ultramafic rocks covering an area of approximately 5800 ha (14,332 acres) and a strike length of over 16 km. Rock samples returned values up to 0.37% Nickel, 0.32% Chromium, and 150 ppm Cobalt with 138 of the 177 samples returning over 0.1% Nickel and 123 of the 177 samples returning over 0.1% Chromium.

In August (2023), of 57 rock samples collected on the MAC Nickel claims, nineteen (19) returned assays above 2000 ppm (0.2% Ni), with a high of 2600 ppm (0.26%). Another sample recorded 26.3% Magnesium, while 18 others recorded levels greater than >23% Mg. All samples exceeding a 2000 ppm (0.2%) Ni threshold also displayed anomalous levels of Cobalt to 140 ppm (0.014%), and Chrome to 2211 ppm (0.221%), which reinforces the potential for multi-element mineral deposits.

The 18,519 acre MAC Property lies contiguous to the west of FPX Nickel’s Decar Property and hosts the SAME ultramafic rocks as the Baptiste Nickel Deposit


Two major critical minerals mines operating hand-in-hand with a state-of-the-art carbon capture and storage facility, all situated within the bounds of a single contiguous property. Together, they create a combined carbon-neutral emissions footprint, fully supported by a unified infrastructure. BC Mining Properties firmly believes that such possibilities are not only conceivable but achievable within the realm of the MAC Property.

The MAC Property can Optioned in any of the following configurations;

1.) Nickel (awaruite), Cobalt Property - (5260 ha)

2.) Advanced - Molybdenum, Copper Porphyry Property - (2234 ha)

3.) Combined - Ni, Co, Mo,Cu Property - (7494.37 ha)



Despite an Indicated Resource of 80,000 tonnes @ 8.57 gpt Au (21,094 oz) blocked out in the late 1800s, the deposit was never mined. In 1986 Player Resources exposed mineralization at surface for 345m. 

In 2018, BC Mining Properties exposed mineralization on the May & Jennie mineral leases for approximately 600m at surface where it remains open in three directions.

Underground, mineralization varies from 1.52m to 7.32m wide for an average width of 4.25m and depth of at least 71.6m according to historical reports.

The May & Jennie gold mineralization has always been interpreted as a vein deposit.  BC Mining Properties believes that the May & Jennie mineralization may be part of a stratabound deposit pushed into multiple vertical folds, spaced approximately 80m apart.  If this holds, it sets the stage for the possibility of a much larger deposit than would otherwise be the case.

Assuming the mineralization averages a 1-meter width, to a depth of 200m, the existing resources will exceed 106,000 ounces of gold. At 4m width (which is less than the average width according to historical reports) the numbers equate to approximately 424,000 ounces of gold at 10 gpt Au.  

The property is permitted through the 2024 Mining Season for drilling and trenching along with the removal of up to 925 tonnes. Approximately 75 tonnes have been removed to date averaging more than an estimated 10 gpt Au +/- with a single pass of grinding and processing through a Falcon 400 concentrator with approximately 50% recovery. Much of May & Jennie’s gold is retained in black sand (magnetite) which was not processed or smelted.  A one-gallon pail of this black sand assayed 256 gpt (8.23 opt) Au. 

The Red Top is an important 2nd wave (possible fold) of mineralization comprised of a low-grade structure located above the May & Jennie and has been interpreted to extend > 44m +/- wide. Depth is undetermined because of poor exposure and limited work. If the structure strikes as interpreted from a 1984 VLF geophysical survey, and extends to 200m in depth, the area could easily double the current May & Jennie gold resource.

A recent assay taken from the Upper Red Top returned 5.373 gpt Au, 927 ppm W, 301 ppm Co, 29.82% Fe, 17ppm Bi.  A second assay from the same 631-gram sample returned 1.879 ppm Au indicating the presence of nugget-effected free gold. The VLF geophysical survey seen on the next page, also indicates the possibility the structure may be of significant size.



Bonaparte Mine Portal - Circa 2015

BC Mining Properties is focused on two deposit types within the Bonaparte Property.

The 1st is Copper-Gold (Cu-Au) Porphyry.

BC Mining Properties believes the potential of Bonaparte may never be fully realized until it can be explored for its Cu-Au porphyry potential through drilling.

Initial sampling and analysis indicate copper in higher grades and proportions than typically discussed in historical reports. The theory is the copper and gold seen in the upper diorite quartz system had to come from somewhere and may be part of a secondary dispersion from a large high-grade porphyry system seen at depth in geophysics before being emplaced alongside and atop to form the younger Discovery Zone.

This is supported by compelling geophysical data indicating more than one intrusive body at depth with a large overlapping area of high chargeability and low resistivity situated 1 km South.

The thinking behind the Discovery Zone & Cooler Creek Trend…

Faults or fractures could serve as pathways for hydrothermal fluids, which can transport and deposit metals such as copper and gold. The mineralization and geochemical anomalies may indicate that such structures are extensions of a buried porphyry system located partially under an overlying basalt cap.

**Hidden Extensions: ** The geophysical anomalies (low resistivity and high chargeability) near the basalt cap might represent a porphyry copper system's core or main body. The geochemical anomalies in the NE (Discovery Zone and the Cooler Creek Trend) could be the distal expression of this system, where mineralization has been remobilized along structural features extending out from the main deposit (i.e. Cooler Creek and the Discovery Zone.

Geophysical data indicates the larger southerly body begins near the surface and gradually increases in size to approximately 3 km wide x 2 km length at approximately 275m depth then gradually decreases in size to a depth of 500m, which is the extent of the data.

The 2nd deposit type is Shear-Hosted Gold (Au) in Quartz Veins.

To date, Bonaparte’s Discovery Zone has only been explored for high-grade gold resulting in two bulk sample programs intended to effectively high-grade gold from 8 quartz veins near the surface. Approximately 103 kg of gold has been recovered from 4064 tonnes milled (25.58 g/t Au). Many anomalous zones and features for Discovery Zone style gold vein targets extending south and east and underlying historical geochemical and geophysical results completed in 2013/14, all remain unexplored. In 2015, the first drill hole drilled outside of the Discovery Zone intersected a 1.0m interval of 7.88 gpt/Au and has also never been followed up with additional drilling. This newly discovered vein (#9) and intersection attest to the potential of discovering additional gold-bearing quartz veins along the Cooler Creek trend. Most of the historic drilling never extended much below 55m depth. 



Cu - Au Porphyry Prospect


ARIS REPORT 29914 (2007 Drill Program)

ARIS REPORT 39621 (2021 Geochem Program)



Cu - Au Porphyry Prospect